
Plan, Launch & Operate Cardiovascular CT

The SCCT Starter Kit provides a collection of useful resources to help guide healthcare facilities interested in starting a cardiovascular CT service for their patient.

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Starting a cardiovascular CT service?

The SCCT Starter Kit is a broad set of resources compiled by clinicians working in partnership with industry professionals. The kit is a one-stop collection of information that includes financial and operational planning templates, resources for clinical procedures, guides for personnel training and credentialing, device and equipment information, marketing tools, and more. Resources are available by link or for download, and subscribers have access to a Q&A/discussion forum.

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Upfront Planning

Resources to help you get started on budgeting and project planning.

Equipment and Facilities

SCCT-approved scanner specifications as well as snapshots of device capabilities.

Services and Personnel

Procedural information applicable to CCTA, coronary artery calcium-scoring, FFR-CT, structural heart disease and more, plus dozens of reporting templates as well as SCCT-recommended training guidelines for physicians and technologists.

Daily Operations

An array of marketing resources to help educate referring physicians, patients and others about your facility’s new cardiovascular CT service.

Starter Kit Partners

SCCT developed the Starter Kit with key industry partners, and wishes to thank the following companies for their time and expertise:

Canon Medical Systems USA
GE Healthcare
Philips Healthcare
Siemens Healthineers